Who are you?

I’m Arthur aka MrChocholate aka @MrChocholateTCG on Twitter, MrChocholateTCG on YouTube and mrchocholate#6502 on Discord.

What is this?

As someone who has *way* too many Flesh and Blood playmats, I often get asked “Is there a list of the official mats anywhere?” and also “What does <Mat X> look like?” and occasionally “what are you, stupid?”, so until LSS updates the Collector’s Centre with a Playmat section, I thought I’d throw a Gallery of both official and Unofficial FaB playmats together!

The gallery of official Flesh and Blood playmats can be found here.

The gallery of unofficial Flesh and Blood playmats can be found here.

Both Galleries will present you with a thumbnail view of the mats, and you should be able to click any mat you’d like additional information on (Where you can buy it, where it was awarded, fun backstory stuff, etc)

That’s great but I just want a nice easy list I don’t care about photos or backstories or fun!

Great, I have a FaB Master Collection Google Sheet Here that has a “Playmats” tab that I try to keep as current as possible. You can look at it any time you like!

I want to create my own custom FaB Mat, how do I do that?

There’s a couple things you can do.. There are any number of mat printers that can produce a one off for you in relatively short order for relatively low cost. Inked Gaming is one of my favourites. (This is a referral code that will net me like a $10 savings on my next order if you use it. I promise, I’m not getting rich.)

Or, alternatively, you can go the TableandLegs route, and get super creative like he outlines in his video here:

Hey I want to buy <Mat X> is it for sale?

Odds are good the answer is no, *but* there are some places you can look for FaB playmats.

First and foremost, I’d recommend checking out the FaB Facebook Marketplace Group.
You could also try the Main Flesh And Blood Discord server’s #selling channel.

If that doesn’t work, there’s some stores out there that sell mats both official and unofficial (If you’re a store and you want on this list, just ping me and I’ll make it happen.)

Signarus Cards (Canada) — full disclosure, this is my store.
Fyendal Hobby (Singapore)
Fluke & Box Shop (Australia)
The Papyr Collective (Australia)

Hey I have <Mat X> and I’d like to sell it! Can I sell it here?

As a matter of fact – we actually have a classifieds section where you can do just that!

Hey I don’t see <Mat X> on your list, What are you, an idiot?

I’m doing my best to maintain an accurate list of mats but I might miss some. If I’ve missed one, please let me know via Twitter or Discord or carrier pigeon and I’ll get the list updated.

Why don’t you have a picture of <Mat X>? and/or I have a picture of <Mat X> that you don’t have!

I will try and get as good a photo as I can of all mats I can, but some of them I just can’t, so if you have a photo I don’t or a better photo than I do, please let me know via Twitter or Discord or pneumatic tube mail and I’ll include your picture and mention you.

I run a store/have a youtube channel/sell custom mats by the side of the road, can you put it on this site?

Absolutely, just hit me up on Discord or Twitter (along with as much detail as you care to share) and I’ll have a look and get it added.